Debbie Baynham and Sarah Badham

Debbie Baynham 29th September 2019 This event has closed


For those of you who don't know, we've both signed up to run the Cheltenham Half Marathon on 29th September 2019.

We are not and probably never will be natural runners and it may involve an element of run/walking, but we are determined to cross the finish line!  We are raising funds for the Sue Ryder Leckhampton Hospice, a charity very close to our hearts.  They provide valuable Hospice At Home support which is simply amazing.  A fantastic team of angels that provide patients and their families with the ultimate gift in that cancer sufferers can spend the precious time they have left with their families at home.

We experienced first-hand the wonderful work they do in the weeks before the sad passing of our amazing friend and husband Martin Badham, who will be forever in our hearts and memories.  His wish was to remain at home and this was made possible with the support of the Hospice At Home team.  They were there for him and the family, whilst allowing him to maintain his dignity until the end and also surrounding him with kindness, compassion and love.

Sue Ryder supports people through the most difficult times of their lives. Whether that’s a terminal illness, the loss of a loved one or a neurological condition – they’re there when it matters. Their doctors, nurses and carers give people the compassion and expert care they need to help them live the best life they possibly can.

It costs £19 for an hour of expert care and helps people live the best lift they can in the circumstances, so continued fund raising is crucial and any donations to this wonderful charity would be gratefully received.

Debbie & Sarah


Debbie Baynham

23rd September 2019
So tonight we pimped our running vests in preparation for the big day on Sunday. The excitement is building and the support and encouragement from everyone is amazing 😊😊😊🥰🥰🥰

Debbie Baynham

19th September 2019
So the realisation of what we signed up for has well and truly kicked in this week! Our numbers have arrived and there is no going back. Being first timers, we are obviously feeling somewhat apprehensive at the challenge ahead, but are equally looking forward to the atmosphere and the cheering crowds as we pound the pavements of Cheltenham. We are pimping our running vests so they show our names, so please give us a shout and a wave if you happen to spot us along the route. It’s going to be immense and we feel incredibly proud to be involved.